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B efore you read of the different kinds of heating, air 
conditioning and plumbing equipment available to 
the modern home, consider first their importance to the 
comfort and health of your family. 

Home comfort and health have advanced so far in the past 
half century, that they are too often taken for granted. 
That, of course, is as it should be. It is the aim of the men 
who developed them to their present degree of perfection 
that you should enjoy their advantages without concern 
over their mechanical means of functioning. Today you 
may snap a switch and flood your home with springtime 
while winter’s icy winds rage out-of-doors. You turn a 
faucet and water gushes forth: clean, pure, sparkling 
. . . hot or cold. 

But what would your home be like without these miracles 
which today are commonplace? Even with all its other 

modern equipment and labor-saving devices your home 
would still be uncomfortable — and for at least six months 
of the year, almost unlivable. For it’s the comfort and 
protection of heating and plumbing that let you enjoy all 
the other features of your home. 

It’s important now to remember the importance of good 
heating, air conditioning and plumbing — so that you can 
forget them later; to select equipment with care — that you 
may have comfort without care. 

And fully as important is the fact that all of the equip- 
ment shown in these pages is backed by the undivided 
responsibility of the world’s greatest health and comfort 
organization: one name that is known for quality and de- 
pendability wherever men use modern methods of safe- 
guarding their health and comfort through heating, air 
conditioning and plumbing. 

A merican ^ Standard 
R adiator ^ ^aititaitg 

A merican heating equipment 



Standard Viumbing fixtures 


Y ou can spend a fortune on the furnishings 
and decorations — but neither your family 
nor your guests will get much pleasure out of 
them if the rooms are cold or chilly, or if 
drafts endanger their health. Entertaining 
friends, listening to the radio, playing games, 
reading . . . they’re all part of the pleasures 
of home only when it is comfortably warm. 
Good heating lets you enjoy the real spirit of 
true family life. 

There is one other very practical point that 
should not be overlooked. An investment in 
good heating now pays cash dividends later in 
lower heating costs, lower upkeep and better 
health. And good heating doesn’t mean expen- 
sive heating — but proper heating, properly 
sized and properly installed. 

The type of equipment and its cost depend 
entirely on the kind of home and how much 
you can afford to spend. Whether you can 
afford to spend a lot or just a little, you can 
depend on it that American Heating Equip- 
ment in your budget range will give you the 
best kind of heating you can buy for the 





W hat fuel will you use? 

That’s up to you to decide. 
If it’s coal, to be fired by hand, 
then choose one of these Ideal 
Boilers. Modern improvements have 
reduced to a minimum the work 
involved in tending them, while 
increasing the economy which made 
them famous. They are made of 
cast iron proven by long experi- 
ence to be the best for the purpose. 
And each of them is easily converted 
to burning any other fuel if you 
should ever decide to change. 

I F YOU want to burn coal with the 
advantages of automatic stoker 
firing you’ll get the best out of your 
stoker with an Ideal or Kewanee 
Round Boiler designed for stoker 

That means you’ll get the maximum 
saving in fuel cost, for economy is 
the watchword of these boilers. It 
means thermostatic control day and 
night. An ample supply of domestic 
hot water, winter and summer, is 
available with Ideal Boilers in con- 
junction with the Taco- Abbott 





Provides hot water heating 
comfort and economy in 
small homes, stores and other 
small buildings with or with- 
out basements. 

Ideal Redflash Boiler 

Ideal Areola Water Boiler 

Completely insulated unde 
its handsome red jacket. 
America’s No. 1 sectional 
boiler — with good reasons for 
being so! 

Ideal Boiler No. 7 

NEW — and its many new 
features have won it instant 
acceptance for steam, vapor 
or hot water heating. 


Ideal Arcofire Stoker Boiler 

Distinguished by its "diving 
flue” and adjustable base — 
feature^ made to order for 
finest stoker operation. 

Ideal Stoker Boiler No. 7 

A special base adapts the 
money saving features of 
No. 7 to automatic coal fir- 
ing for medium size homes. 

Kewanee Round Steel Boiler 

For small to medium sized 
homes. Noted for economical 
performance and general rug- 
gedness. Made for coal 
(stoker or hand-fired) or oil. 

No. 0733-J 



A woman who has to be at home with the 
. heating plant ah' day can really appre- 
ciate the advantages of automatic heat. She 
knows that being a housewife is work enough 
without having to do the firing too. 

But automatic heating has more than labor 
saving to commend it. It’s cleaner — means 
less dusting, less housework. It’s constant — 
keeps the desired temperature in the house 
without fussing or adjustment. It’s healthier, 
too: there’s less chance of colds when heating 
is even. 

Today, you needn’t limit yourself to one type 
of fuel if you want automatic heating. There 
are Ideal Boilers for automatic heating with 
any fuel: coal, oil or gas. Each has advan- 
tages of its own and it’s up to you to compare 
and choose. Whichever way you decide, one 
of these Ideal Boilers will give you the best 
service for the fuel you’ve selected. 




These Ideal Boilers 
do an especially good 
job of oil burning, be- 
cause they are scien- 
tifically made to burn 
oil. They make the oil 
deliver its maximum 
heat, which means fuel 
saving. They circulate 
the heat faster to the 
rooms, for quick com- 
fort. All have pro- 
vision for year-’round 
hot water supply with 
the Taco-Abbott 
system at small extra 




If You are thinking of using gas heat, with 
its many advantages, you need merely select 
an Ideal Gas-Fired Boiler to be assured of the 
ultimate in heating satisfaction. 

It takes special scientific knowledge to build 
a gas boiler, because the problems are alto- 
gether different from any other fuel. 

Ideal Gas-Fired Boilers have achieved an en- 
viable place in the heating world because 
engineers who know gas heating from A to Z 
designed them. They are completely auto- 
matic. Being particularly economical these 
boilers have become exceedingly popular, 
even for homes where heating costs are 
watched to the penny. 


Ideal Oil Burning Boiler No. 6 

A new, low cost boiler for the 
small home. New features for 
improved heating and economy. 
Shipped completely assembled. 
Extended jacket conceals burner. 

Ideal Oil Burning Boiler No. 7 

Combining high efficiency and 
excellent economy with moder- 
ate cost, makes the No. 7 an out- 
standing investment for smaller 

Ideal Oil Burning Boiler No. 11 

A quality boiler at a reasonable 
price. Scientifically engineered 
throughout. Has no equal for 
fuel saving, quick heating and 
attractive appearance. 

“Empire” Ideal Gas Fired Boiler 

The world’s most beautiful gas 
boiler — is what they call it. But 
there’s real heating science, as 
well as fuel-saving controls, un- 
der the fine jacket. Sizes for 
every home. 

Standard Ideal Gas Fired Boiler 

Lower in cost but equally effi- 
cient and economical as the Em- 
pire. Does not have the de luxe 
jacket. Answers all requirements 
where appearance is secondary. 
Ideal Gas Fired Boilers have 
proved that gas heating needn’t 
strain the budget. 

You can convert your present boiler or fur- 
nace into an automatic, carefree gas heating 
unit by installing an Ideal Gas Convertor 
of the correct type and size. 

The Ideal Redflash Convertor is designed 
especially for No. 1 Ideal Redflash Boilers. 
It has the AGP famous controls and oper- 
ates with highest efficiency and economy. 

The American Gas Convertor is made to fit 
any round boiler or warm air furnace. Sci- 
entifically engineered, with all necessary 
controls for completely automatic, fuel- 
saving operation. 

fC/zttfchtp Mktfs a#tf/ 

T he Arcoflame isn’t just another oil 
burner. It’s the answer to a demand 
for a burner that is the last word in sound 
engineering, and developed by experts who 
know all about home heating. 

The hot, clean flame, burning exactly cor- 
rect proportions of air and oil, whirled into 
its scientific sunflower shape, transfers 
more heat to the heat absorbing surfaces 
of the boiler . . . gets it there quicker 
and burns less oil doing it. It keeps the 
boiler or furnace cleaner, too. 

The Arcoflame Conversion Burner will 
fit your present boiler or furnace. But for 
oil heating at its best, you’ll choose an 
Arcoflame Balanced Heating Unit. 
Here boiler and burner are one — matched 
and balanced to wring every last bit of 
heat from fevery drop of oil. 



A scientific feature of Arcoflame Burners. 
Meters and turbulates the air entering combus- 
tion chamber, assuring clean, efficient burning. 

(At left ) No. 6 Arcoflame Heating 
Unit — a new, low' cost boiler-burner unit 
for small homes. Perfectly coordinated for 
dependable, fuel-saving operation. Taco 
year-’round hot w’ater heater optional at 
small extra cost. 

Arcoflame Heating Unit No. 11— the finest 
complete oil burning unit money can buy and 
still reasonably priced. Equipped with Biltin 
Taco Heater for all year hot water, w'ith Taco- 
Abbott system, at a small extra charge. 

Arcoflame Heating Unit No. 7 — 
provides the carefree comfort of auto- 
matic oil heat at budget cost. Biltin 
Taco year-’round hot w'ater heater avail- 
able at little extra charge. 

No. 8 Arcoflame Heating Unit — an un- 
equalled boiler-burner combination for top per- 
formance and economy. Moderately priced. 
Biltin Taco Heater, for year-’round hot water, 
optional at slight extra expense. 


Arcoi lame gives you an extra room for 
living — makes living more comfortable in 
every room. 

Arco Radiator — the little radiator that gives 
more heat. 

The pattern in illustration at left is only 3 /z 
inches wide. 

Modern radiators do 
not obtrude into the 
room as in the old days. 
The Arco Radiator — 
slim, good-looking, 
graceful ... as narrow 
as }/ 2 inches from back 
to front . . . delivers as 
much warmth as old 
style radiators half 
again as large. 

Tucked away beneath a 
window, it’s unnoticed 
except for the radiant 
comfort it sends into 
the room. It’s so attrac- 
tive, it adds to the ap- 
pearance of the room, 
besides keeping it thor- 
oughly comfortable. 

Corto — the radiator classic. The original slim- 
tubed radiator. 

Corto Radiator in illustration at left is cov- 
ered with an Arco O.K. Enclosure. 

With its graceful, sym- 
metrical lines and high 
heat output, the Corto 
is a fine combination of 
beauty and utility. It 
provides abundant 
warmth. Its design is 
in keeping with any 
decorative scheme. Most 
of the nation’s finest 
buildings are kept com- 
fortable with Corto’s 
efficient warmth. 
There’s no better, 
cleaner heat than 
Corto Radiators. 
Smooth surfaces do not 
catch dust. Easily in- 
stalled in new or old 




S treamlined and beautiful, 
Sunrad is the smartest 
radiator introduced in recent 
years. It looks like concealed 
radiation, but it has no en- 
closure. That handsome front 
you see is the Sunrad itself. 
That good-looking grille is 
part of it too. It’s a complete, 
integral unit that sends active 
radiant heat from top, front 
and sides . . . while convected 
heat pours from the upper 
grille to ward off cold drafts 
from the window. It’s safe for 
children to play on the floor 
when Sunrad’s even warmth 
protects them. 

The three illustrations at the 
right show three different 
ways in which the Sunrad 
may be installed. Entirely 
free-standing, semi-recessed or 
entirely recessed. It is particu- 
larly suited for installation 
where space is limited. 


I f you want all of the advantages of radiator 
heating, but prefer to have the radiators entirely 
out of the way, the Arco Convector is made 
for you. 

The Arco Convector is made for concealed instal- 
lation only and possesses special advantages of design 
which are reflected in better heating. In order to 
function they must be enclosed and this is accom- 
plished most efficiently and attractively with Arco 
Enclosures, described on the next page. 

Arco Convectors are scientifically engineered to 
provide a rapid and continuous flow of warmed air 
into the rooms, resulting in quick heating of room 
space, and corresponding economy in operation. 

A nothhr smart, out of the way radiator, aptly 
- named the Fantom because it blends so 
perfectly with its surroundings. Usually hung on 
the wall under windows. Its 
smooth surfaces collect no 
dirt. It is high above the 
floor for easy sweeping. 

That solid front means the 
solid comfort of more radiant 
heat; while from the top 
comes warm air to blanket 
cold windows. Upper and 
lower grilles if you want them, 
give the finishing touch. 




A rco enclosures conceal the 
- Convector and make the 
installation outstandingly attrac- 
tive. They are styled with an eye 
to grace and simplicity to meet 
the most discriminating taste. 
They harmonize with any dec- 
orative treatment. 

Shown here are a few of the 
many types. Some have overall 
grille. Some have a solid front 
panel with the grille on top. 
Some are made to fit in the wall, 
some to stand away from it. All 
sizes and all varieties to fit all 
requirements and personal tastes. 
And all of them, you can be sure, 
will bring an added touch of 
beauty to your rooms. 

Cut-away view of Arco Enclosure 
Showing Concealed Arco Convector 





gallon capacities. Has galya- 
nized steel tank. Jacket is fin- 
ished in white enamel with 
aluminum trim. Sturdily built, 
priced low and especially suit- 
able for small or low.cost homes. 



Comes in 20, 30, 40, 60, and 75 
gallon capacities. Has galva- 
nized steel tank. Jacket is fin- 
ished in white enamel with 
aluminum trim. Moderate in 
price, it is perfect for homes in 
the medium price range. 

Famous for providing abun- 
dant, economical hot water 


Available in 20, 30, 40, and 75 
gallon capacities. Has strength- 
ened copper tank. Jacket is fin- 
ished in dark gray enamel. A 
deluxe storage water heater for 
better homes, or where water 
conditions demand a copper 

Ideal Scuttle-A-Day burns 
coal. Has a flat, useable top. 
Requires little attention and 
is noted for its fuel-saving. 


For Year-’Round Domestic Hot Water 

Automatically fired boilers will supply hot 
water summer and winter with the TACO- 
ABBOTT System, 
by installing proper 
sized Taco Heater 
and necessary con- 
trols. No other 
heater is required. 
All Ideal Oil Burn- 
ing Boilers have 
Biltin Taco Heat- 
ers, at slight extra 

Ideal Dome Type Water 
Heater, a popular low-cost 
coal-burning heater. Thrifty 
with fuel and easy to run. 


These heaters provide abundant hot water 
during the heating season with practically 
no extra cost for fuel and no caretaking. 
Illustration shows the Excelso (with in- 
ternal copper coils) connected from boiler 
to tank. Water 
from tank cir- 
culates through 
the copper coils 
and is quickly 
heated by the 
boiler hot water 
around the coils. 

Klearway Clean- 
ing Valves re- 
move sediment 
from the system 
in a jiffy. 


These are to your heating system what the "jewels” 
are to your watch. They keep it running smoothly, 
efficiently and economically. 

Packless radiator valves do not leak, cannot stick, never need 
repacking. They are used with any type of system. The adjust- 
able orifice is a device for metering steam so that every radiator 
heats at the same rate. No. 475 is specially made to fit the 
limited space beneath a Convector. 

The No. 300 Multiport makes all radiators in a one-pipe steam 
system heat equally fast, and, with the No. 861 Hurivent, which 
removes the air from mains, is an ideal combination for extra 
quick heating and better economy. 

No. 999 Arco Packlsss 
Valve for All Systems 

No. 901 Packless 
for Hot Water 

No. 475 Packless 
Convector Gate Valve 

The No. 5 00 Ideal Airid is a quality vent valve at a medium 
price. No. 510 Ideal Vac-Airid operates ordinary steam systems 
under a partial vacuum for extra economy. 

No. 500 
Ideal Airid 

A merican 


Tn a pleasant suburb of New York City stands an 
attractive white building with no other identification 
than a small metal plaque on front that reads 


This is the laboratory where thermal experts carry on the 

research which has helped to bring heating and air condi- 
tioning to today’s high levels. Here, too, American 
Heating Equipment undergoes constant and rigid exam- 
ination under conditions far more severe than they will 
ever meet in normal use. 

In one room is a line of boilers under fire day and night, 
while technicians study the relationship of the fuel they 
burn to the heat they give . . . study the effect of some 
small change in design on efficiency and economy. In 
another, radiators are being tested — for heat emission 
per square inch of surface . . . for actual working effi- 
ciency . . . for tightness and strength. 

Each piece of equipment has its own kind of test; yet 
every test is conducted with one object in view: that 
you, as the purchaser, will get heating equipment that 
embodies the latest improvements and refinements, for 
utmost efficiency, economy and satisfaction. 


You’ve been hearing a lot about air-conditioning 
in the past few years. To some folks it’s a subject 
full of mystery. But there’s no mystery about it. 
You can have an air-conditioning system in your 
home as easily as you can have any other kind of 
heating system. Nothing complicated in your 
basement, nothing hard to understand. There’s 
just a unit that warms, filters and humidifies the 
air, then sends it up through ducts and attractive 
registers into each room. The most important 
thing to remember is the name SUNBEAM. 
That’s your guarantee. 



M ost of us are pretty fussy 
about what we eat and 
drink. We make sure that our 
water is clean and unpolluted. We 
make sure of the way we buy, pro- 
tect and prepare food. In fact, the 
government sets up standards for 
the food we are going to eat in 
order to protect our health. 

But there’s one thing that a human 
being consumes more of than food 
and drink and that is air. And 
until recently very little attention 
was paid to the air we breathe. Do you know that the 
average person uses 34 pounds of air a day as against 7 
pounds of food and drink? That 60% of our energy comes 
from the air we breathe and only 40% from what we eat? 

Surely air so important in our daily lives deserves most 
serious thought. Many people will say air is air and as long 
as it is warm enough for comfort there isn’t much that 
can or need be done about it. 

A merican 


But that’s where they’re wrong. Medi- 
cal authorities agree that pure air is as 
important as pure food and that im- 
pure air is the reason for much of our 
common winter ailments. 



The dry, stuffy, impure air so often found in many homes 
in winter irritates the membrane of the nose and throat 
causing colds, bronchitis, sinus infections and other respira- 
tory illnesses. 

It makes housework harder too. Dust collects and seems to 
stay no matter how much dusting is done. The piano gets 
out of tune. Furniture cracks, table tops and picture 
frames warp. 


The importance of controlling the condition of the air in 
your home cannot be stressed too emphatically. It means 
too much in health, in comfort, and in the actual dollars- 
and-cents value of your home and its furnishings. Today, 
air conditioning is enjoying its greatest popularity because 

people know these 
facts. Fifty-five years 
of making good home 
heating equipment has 
put Sunbeam in a posi- 
tion to supply home air 
conditioning that com- 
pletely satisfies, at a 
reasonable price. 

thf PURE 




Pnovi&eA theAe f^ue, 
UHfUVUcuU G<ILHi*ttcUf^ 

1 . Warms the air — Air is warmed to the degree 
of temperature you select on your thermostat. 

2. Cleans the air — Sunbeam’s efficient filters 
remove the germs, pollen and dirt from the air. 

3. Moistens the air — The Sunbeam Spray Hu- 
midifier injects a fine spray of moisture into the 
desert dry winter air of your home. A humidistat 
automatically regulates the indoor humidity. 

4. Circulates the air — The blower fan cir- 
culates this pure, conditioned air uniformly to all 
parts of your home. There are no "cold spots” in 
a Sunbeam home. 

5. Provides cooling ventilation — On hot 
summer nights the blower draws in and circulates 
cool evening breezes throughout the house, assur- 
ing you a restful night’s sleep. A mechanical 
cooling unit can be readily added at any time. 



According to reliable statis- 
x\_tics, from one to five tons 
of soot are distributed daily 
over every square mile of the average in- 
dustrial community. 

However, the average person and par- 
ticularly the average woman who’s run- 
ning a home doesn’t need statistics to tell 
her that the air is laden with dirt. She sees it when she dusts. 
She sees it when she hangs out her wash. She sees it on the 
windowsills and on the quickly smudged faces of the chil- 

And if soot’s not enough there are millions of other im- 
purities floating about in the air — germs, pollen, dust and 
dirt. Fifteen times a minute our lungs inhale . . . draw into 
our sensitive breathing organs all of this foreign matter. 
Then people wonder why they suffer from sore throats, colds 
and other respiratory ailments. 

All of this, you’re likely to say and rightfully so, is like 
the weather. You can talk about it, but there’s not much 
you can do about it because these conditions have existed 
for years. 

However, something can be done. Thanks to Sunbeam s 



modern winter air conditioning equipment, these impurities 
can be filtered from the air in your home completely and 
automatically without any attention on your part. 

In the Sunbeam Air Conditioner is a series of thick filters 
of a fibrous material which are coated with an adhesive sub- 
stance. The air from your rooms is drawn through these 
filters and the dirt, dust, soot and other foreign matter is 
trapped. Thus, this dirt is prevented from being re-circu- 
lated to the rooms in your home. The quantity of foreign 
matter which is collected by the filters in a few months is 
surprising, even in comparatively new homes. 

The filters in the Sunbeam Air Conditioner possess a high 
cleaning efficiency and an ample storage capacity that offers 
but little resistance to air circulation long after other types 
of filters are completely clogged. Filters are easily replaced 
at low cost. 

Taking the dirt out of the air in your home is but one of 
the things that Sunbeam Air Conditioning does. Besides 
safeguarding the health of your family, this air filtering 
saves housework. There’s less dusting . . . curtains and 
drapes stay clean longer . . . walls, floors, rugs and other 
furnishings require less attention. 


Air from your rooms enters the Sunbeam Air Con- 
ditioning Unit through the Blower-Filter compart- 
ment shown below, and is drawn through the mass 
of fibrous material which is in each filter. The 
fibrous material is coated with an odorless, sticky 
adhesive which traps the particles of foreign matter. 
The air receives a thorough scrubbing as it wipes 
against the dust absorbing substance and the maxi- 
mum of foreign matter is extracted. This clean, 
filtered air is then delivered, by the blower, to the 
heating compartment to be warmed and then cir- 
culated to the rooms. 


I N summer, but one person in fifty suffers from respiratory 
ailments; in winter, one in ten falls victim — evidence of the 
dry unhealthful air in homes during the cold months. 

But the Sunbeam conditioned home has no dry air problem. It’s 
June in every room all winter long. Automatic humidifying 
equipment helps maintain the proper moisture in the home . . . 
reduces illness . . . helps you feel better, more comfortable, at 
lower, more healthful temperatures. 

Thus the humidification provided by Sunbeam not only aids 
health, but reduces fuel costs. And it helps to preserve your 
furniture and other household possessions by preventing them 
from drying out. So you see, you save money all around. 



As moisture is re- 
quired in your rooms, 
the humidistat (right) 
starts the humidifier 
(located in warm air 
duct directly above 
Heating Compart- 
ment) throwing a fine 
spray into the air, 
which is absorbed be- 
fore the air is circu- 
lated. Depending on 
the size of your home, 
5 to 25 gal. of water 
a day should be added 
to the air in winter. 


T u enty-fiiow 



I t’s not the company . . . not the hour . . . but bad venti- 
lation that starts guests yawning while the evening is still 
young. Stale air takes its toll in pleasure as well as health. City 
regulations require theatres and other public buildings to con- 
stantly refresh their air supply. 

And Sunbeam does the same thing in your home. Changes the 
air four or five times an hour. Sends it through each room clean, 
warmed, refreshed — in a gentle, draftless movement that is in- 
vigorating of itself. 

The blower of the Sunbeam Air Conditioner (shown below) 
operates so quietly, you’ll never know it’s there. And it operates 
automatically too, as do the heating, humidifying and cleaning. 

Registers and Grilles can be installed in baseboard or walls. They save floor 
space and can be finished to harmonize with any decorative scheme. 

is installed in one of 
the living rooms. 
Automatically regu- 
lates the humidifying 

. . . automatically 

regulates the temper- 
ature and maintains 
the degree of warmth 

during winter. 


Sunbeam automatic controls add to your leisure hours and 
provide you and your family with ideal, healthful indoor 
climate with little or no effort on your part. You make a 
three-way savings . . . work, fuel and time. 

It is difficult to control the heating of large or rambling 
houses by only one thermostat. Sunbeam provides evenly 
distributed warmth in such homes through Zone Control. 
The rooms are grouped into "zones” of one room or several 
rooms each. A thermostat located in one room of each zone 
regulates the heat supply of that zone. If only one zone 
requires additional heat, the system delivers warm, condi- 
tioned air to that one zone without overheating the balance 
of house and wasting fuel. The desired temperature is auto- 
matically maintained in every part of the house. 


One big advantage you have when you Air Condition 
your home with Sunbeam, is that you can have cooling 
ventilation with the same system in summer. Merely by 
turning on the blower at night, you dissipate the heat 
that’s collected during the day, and circulate cool night 
air through the house. 

At the time you install your winter air conditioning 
system or later a mechanical cooling unit may be added. 
The same ducts used for winter air conditioning are used 
for delivering cooled, dehumidified air in summer. 

T he warmth the Sunbeam pro- 
vides is more than mere heat. It 
is a kind of warmth such as you have 
probably never experienced in your 
home. Air is warmed — to the tem- 
perature you select on the thermo- 
stat. This delightfully warmed air, filtered and moistened air, 
is gently but positively forced by pressure from the blower 
into every corner of the house. Such positive, controlled dis- 
tribution of heat eliminates "cold spots” near the windows, 
keeps floors warm, and assures uniform house temperatures. 

T wen ty- four 



O nce there was no hope for any 
other benefit from the basement 
than that of storing unwanted things. 
Now, many people have discovered in 
it remarkable possibilities for a com- 
fortable and livable room . . . and a 
delightful chance to exercise their 
creative planning ability. 

It is all due to the Sunbeam Unit be- 
ing tucked away as pictured here. 
The Sunbeam unit is so compact, so 
clean and dust-free — so good looking, 
too, in its handsome all-enclosing 
jacket — so space-saving with its new 
type ducts that don’t waste headroom 
— that it doesn’t interfere in the least 
with your using most of the basement 
space for such a recreation room. 

And the Sunbeam Air Conditioner 
keeps the air down here just as clean 
and fresh as in the rooms upstairs. 

During the day the children will be 
here — saving wear and tear on your 
furniture and on your nerves. In the 
evening, it’s an entertainment center 
for the whole family and their guests. 

T wen ty- fire 



T urn ty -six 

I F you prefer gas as a fuel, you will find that 
the Series HL will adequately fill your require- 

The heating elements are constructed of heavy, durable cast iron 
and designed to keep fuel costs at a minimum. 

The beautiful cabinet finished in green baked enamel adds an 
attractive note to even the most modern house. 

For the small or medium size home, with or without basement, 
and where a cast iron heating element is preferred, the Sunbeam 
Series H is the ideal air conditioner. 


showing the blower, motor, filters, heat- compact in construction. Ideal 

ing elements, controls and other equipment. for homes without basements. 


The series SL is truly beautiful in appearance. The compart- 
ment which houses the blower, motor and filters is an integral 
part of the exterior cabinet and is the same height as the heat- 
ing compartment. The heating element is constructed of 
seamless steel. 

The Series SU Sunbeam Air Conditioner with the same sturdy, 
efficient heating element as the Series SL and with many other 
identical features, has been developed for homes without base- 
ments or where basement space is at a premium. 

meets the demand for a unit 
requiring a minimum space. 

shows blower, motor and controls. 
Heating element made of seamless steel. 






Made in Hand-Fired, Stoker-Fired and Oil-Fired Models 

T uenty-eight 

D ifference of opinion is what causes your home to be dif- 
ferent from your neighbor’s — and causes you to prefer 
one kind of heating plant or fuel where he might prefer an- 
other. To satisfy everybody’s reasonable preferences, Sunbeam 
Coal Burning Air Conditioners are available in many different 

The Series Nos. 80 and 5 500 with boiler plate steel heating ele- 
ments are made in stoker fired as well as hand fired models. 
They are also available in oil burning models which accommo- 

Cutaway view of heating element of 
Series No. 80 hand fired model; 
constructed of No. 7 gauge boiler 
plate steel — durable and efficient. 
Seams are BOTH riveted and welded. 

With all Sunbeam Units, cooler air 
circulates between an inner casing 
and the cabinet. This insulating air 
prevents heat loss into basement and 
conserves fuel. 



date virtually any make of gun type or rotary type oil burner. 
The Series No. 20 which has a heavy, durable, cast iron heating 
element meets the demand of the average home owner who 
desires the benefits of air conditioning and is seeking a mod- 
erately priced unit to install in a new home or to replace an 
inefficient furnace. 

These Series have the standard modern cabinet constructed of 
No. 20 gauge steel and finished in attractive green baked enamel. 

Sunbeam Series No. 20. Made in 
hand fired models. Heating element 
is of heavy durable cast iron. Has 
high efficiency and long life. 

Heating element of Series No. 5 5 00, 
hand fired model. Made of No. 8 
gauge boiler plate steel, seams arc 
BOTH riveted and welded. 


Made in Hand-Fired, Stoker-Fired and Oil-Fired Models 

T wenty-ninc 


I f you are seeking a dependable, efficient, moderately 
priced oil fired air conditioning unit, you will find in the 
Series 1100 the equipment which is ideal for your home. 

This Series is specially engineered for oil firing. The burner, 
as well as all other accessories, is completely concealed 
within the trim, modern casing which is finished in attractive 
green baked enamel. 

The Arcoflame Oil Burner, which has many exclusive fea- 
tures, is co-ordinated with the Series No. 1100 for silent, 
fuel conserving, satisfactory operation. It is a pressure type 
burner, designed and engineered to meet the demand for 
automatic oil heat at low first cost and low operating cost. 
Silent action and trouble-free operation have added to its 
popularity. Designed to burn a cheaper grade of oil and to 
burn it efficiently, the Arcoflame Oil Burner assures maxi- 
mum economy. 

The rugged heating element is constructed of boiler plate 
steel notable for the rapidity with which it warms the air 
and for its ability to withstand for many years, the strains 
of intense heat and intermittent oil firing. The walls are 
unusually heavy — approximately of an inch thick! All 

seams are BOTH riveted and welded — doubly and perma- 
nently sealed leakproof to prevent fumes escaping into the 
air which circulates through your home. The illustration 
at right demonstrates the thickness of the walls of the heat- 
ing element. The picture of the riveted and welded seam 



shows an actual section cut from a heating element. Your 
Sunbeam heating contractor has one of these section sam- 
ples. Ask him to submit it for your inspection. See for 
yourself this construction feature which means years of 
trouble-free operation and long life of your Sunbeam Unit. 


| 3 / 16 " 


A section cut from a Sunbeam heating 
element showing how the heavy metal 
is BOTH riveted and welded at seams 
to assure clean, leakproof operation. 

A photograph of 
the heavy, dura- 
ble steel used in 
the walls of the 
Sunbeam heating 
clement. Note 
thickness of the 




Sunbeam Series No. 1100, designed for oil firing exclusively, 
with sections cut away to show the position of oil burner, heat- 
ing element, inner casing, blower, motor and filters. 

T hirty-onc 

A merican 




Series 5 00 is a high quality steel furnace 
at a low price. The heating element is 
constructed of boiler plate steel, approxi- 
mately 3/ 16 of an inch thick. Seams are 
both riveted and welded to prevent leakage. 

T hirty-two 


E verything you’ve said so far is true, and 
everything you’ve shown me is fine. But 
right now I’m interested in a gravity warm 
air furnace and I need heating that’s as good 
as I can get for as little as I can spend. What 
about it?” 

If this is your problem, then Sunbeam Warm 
Air Furnaces are made for you. Their quality 
has come from over 50 years’ experience in 
furnace manufacturing and as for economy, 
you’d think they were paying the fuel bills 
themselves, they’re that thrifty. 

They come in all types; steel and cast iron, 
pipe and pipeless, small, medium and large. 
In their own way they’re as well designed 
and as soundly built as Sunbeam Air Condi- 
tioning Units. There are special models for 
coal, oil and gas — with extra little refine- 
ments that help them do an extra good job 
in each case. 

So don’t let cost worry you. On low priced 
equipment especially, a good name like Sun- 
beam tells you you’re getting full value in 
comfort and dependability for every dollar 
you spend. 

This cast furnace, Sunbeam Series 1000, 
comes in both pipe and pipeless types. 
Features include a heavy, cast iron heating 
element that has proven its superiority in 
hundreds of thousands of homes. 

Y ou turn a faucet and water gushes 
forth . . . clean, pure, taken for granted ! 
It is tribute to the part the Master Plumber 
plays in our lives. It's his work, his knowl- 
edge and his skill you toast each time you 
raise a glass of water to your lips. Life is too 
precious to endanger it by entrusting plumb- 
ing to hands other than those best qualified 
to assure health protection ... the Master 







T he trademark "Standard" as shown in the arrow has stood for 
quality for half a century. It is a compliment to their quality that 
people accept "Standard" Plumbing Fixtures without question. 
Naturally, the way they’re made has a lot to do with the reason why 
"Standard" enjoys this enviable reputation. 

The gleaming surface and pleasing design are outward evidence of the 
quality within that is built into every "Standard" Plumbing Fixture. 
Highest grade materials go into the vitreous china, enameled cast iron 
or Chromard Finished brass of "e$ftandard" Plumbing Fixtures. Some 
fixtures on account of size, shape, or use are made of enameled iron, 
others of vitreous china. Lavatories are made of both materials as either 
are equally adaptable, though some designs lend themselves better to 
one material than the other. 

"Standard" vitreous china is extremely hard, smooth, permanently 
non-absorbent and will not craze. Standard*' vitreous china ware 
represents the successful attainment of making straight, strong and true 
fixtures of this material. 

All "Standard" baths, most kitchen sinks and many Standard" 
lavatories are made of cast iron with a heavy coating of enamel. The 
rigidity of the cast iron protects the beauty of the fixtures. Cast iron 
is strong and thick and rigid, absorbing strains and preventing damage 
to the finish. 

A cast iron base too, permits a method of enameling which results in 
a thicker coat with a higher gloss. It is easy to see that the heavier the 
enamel the greater the serviceability and the longer it will retain its 
original beauty. 

Remember that "Standard" Acid-Resisting Enamel f^tattdard'A-R) 
is acid-resisting throughout its entire thickness. 

However, you needn’t concern yourself with any such technical data. 
Make "Standard" your buy- word — let your Master Plumber’s years 
of experience help you in selecting fixtures, and you’ll be certain that 
your plumbing fixtures are every bit as good as they look. 



"gttmdaifd" offers you 


N ever before have experts in so many fields of industry 
made it so easy to have bathrooms that are at 
once practical and beautiful at a reasonable cost. New 
'bandar cf' Plumbing Fixtures in white and eleven decora- 
tive colors . . . the sparkle of glass and metal . . . the utility 
and beauty of new wall and floor materials ... a host of new 
ideas in room arrangement and decoration ... all of these 
are ready today to help you plan bathrooms for your home 
that will be as charming as any room in the 
house yet will cost no more than the commonplace 
bathrooms of yesterday. 

In planning your own, you may safely guide 
yourself by the bathrooms illustrated here . . . 
for they are not only practical to live with, but 
practical to have. In designing them, Standard" 
Stylists employed materials which are available 
anywhere in the country. Curtains, wall 
coverings, flooring, towels, cabinets, lighting 
fixtures — are, with few exceptions, standard 
designs and colors of their manufacturers and 
available in your local stores. 

Complete and detailed specifications on any bathroom shown, 
telling the name of each article in it and its manufacturer, 
will be sent you upon request. 

Thirty -five 

R oyal Copenhagen 
. blue fixtures are se- 
lected for this spacious 
bathroom with its separate 
dressing table and generous 
mirror over the Companion 
Lavatory. In the tub recess, 
ivory tile accents the com- 
fortable Neo-Angle Bath 
and continues around the 
room as a base trim. Soft 
blue green washable wall 
covering and coral lino- 
leum with ivory inlay, 
form a rich contrast 
against the Master One- 
Piece Closet. One can well 
be insistent on good heat- 
ing in the bathroom. Here 
Sunbeam Air Conditioning 
is indicated. It is one of 
many American Heating 
Equipment types, any of 
which can well be used for 
definite satisfaction. 

Thirty -six 



paints, wall and floor coverings, cur- 
tains, towels and other accessories. 

You have but to name the fixtures 
you plan to use and the general color 
scheme you have in mind, along 
with any particular ideas you wish 
to see incorporated. (You’ll find 
many new ideas in this book.) It 
will help if you name the approxi- 
mate figure you plan to spend for 
plumbing fixtures and the present 
location of fixtures if you are 
modernizing. The Bureau of Design 
will furnish you complete working 
sketches. There is no charge for this 
service. Write to Bureau of Design, 
American Radiator & Standard 
Sanitary Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. 

I f you want the fun of working 
out your own designs ... if you 
prefer to have a bathroom that is 
distinctly and entirely yours, one 
that reflects your own tastes and in- 
clinations . . . you’ll find it a really 
easy and delightful task. 

The brilliant colors of "Standard" 
Fixtures are themselves an inspira- 
tion of your creative ability. The 
perfect styling of "Standard" 
Fittings in their four different de- 
signs (shown on page 61 ) lend 
themselves to any style of decora- 
tion. And "Standard" Stylists offer 
you their professional aid in work- 
ing out detailed color schemes and 
in the selection of cabinets, lights, 

T hirty -seven 

T he soft tone of Cor- 
allin in the Neo-Angle 
Bath, Chesterton Lavatory, 
and One-Piece Closet, con- 
trasts beautifully with the 
jade structural glass wain- 
scoting and bath recess, 
which is accented by the 
use of a linoleum floor re- 
peating the colors involved. 
The delicate accents of yel- 
low, white and gray as 
shown in the wall paper, 
dressing table and shower 
curtain are essential notes 
in the color ensemble. Sun- 
beam Air Conditioning is 
suggested with the warm 
air register located about 
6 ' from the floor to permit 
gentle warmth to flow 
above and beyond the body 
while bathing and dressing. 



COMPANION— -F 1 15 GT, Colonial Trim 

Vitreous china is known for its high re- 
sistance to wear and the long life of its 
lustrous finish. Then too, the process lends 
itself to the clean, modern lines so pop- 
ular today, as shown in these models. 
These, and the lavatories shown on the 
second page following, are "Standard" 
vitreous china . . . extremely hard, smooth 
and permanently non-absorbent. They are 
easy to clean and will not craze, nor be 
marred or discolored by medicines or 
liquid cleansers. 

Dimensions: Companion, 22 x 18", 26 x 22"; 

Castleton, 30 x 22"; Neolyn, Brainard, 24 x 20", 
27 x 22", 30 x 24"; Marlton, 26 x 14%"; Strate- 
Line, 24 x 20". 

P ERSIAN BROWN fixtures 
furnish a warm note in 
this bathroom with its rich 
combination of wine red 
and cool green. Here du- 
bonnet tile has been used 
for tub recess and wainscot. 
The trim linoleum floor is 
laid out in two shades of 
green. Pale chartreuse on 
the upper walls and dress- 
ing table makes a pleasing 
foil for the deep tile base. 
The fixtures are modern de- 
velopments of long popular 
designs: the Companion 
Lavatory with shelf back, 
integral china spout, and 
large bowl; the Master 
Pembroke Bath with rim 
seat and roomy interior, 
and the Custom Madera, a 
famous syphon jet closet. 
Sunbeam Heating- Air Con- 
ditioning adds the final in- 
gredient of perfect comfort. 


I ncreasingly popular are the 
metal legs shown on some of 
these lavatories. They, like all other 
exposed metal parts, are Chromard 
Finish, which cannot rust or tar- 
nish and is easy to keep clean. 

You will notice that the design of the 
fittings on top is consistently carried out 
in the legs and other metal parts below, 
providing complete design harmony. 

Dimensions : Comrade, 20 x 18", 24 x 20"; Ches- 
terton, 42 * x 22" size illustrated, also available in 
27 x 22 , 30 x 24", 3 6 x 22"; Roxbury, 20 x 
18 , 24 x 20", 27 x 22", 30 x 24"; Marledge, 
20 x 14 , 26 x 14"; Randall, Lucerne, 20 x 18", 
24 x 20". 

C lair df lunf blue 
fixtures hold the spot- 
light in this modern room 
with gleaming walls of 
beige and deep blue struc- 
tural glass. The linoleum 
floor repeating the wall 
colors, makes a rich base 
for the plumbing fixtures. 
The Strate-Line Lavatory, 
beautiful in its simplicity; 
Compact Closet, attractive 
and dependable; the Master 
Pembroke Bath, modern 
and convenient ... all 
have Standard Trim fit- 
tings in sparkling Chrom- 
ard Finish. Dubonnet 
towels and ruby bottles set 
off the ensemble to perfec- 
tion. The heating unit at 
the right of the Strate- 
Line Lavatory, an Arco 
Convector in its Arco En- 
closure, is a part of the 
dressing table effect. The 
top provides' ample space 
for accessories. 

Forty -two 

T he lavatories on this and on second page following are made with 
a thick coating of dry process enamel on rigid cast iron. When finished 
in Acid-Resisting Enamel (^$tattdaEcf'A~R) , their wearing qualities and 
ability to withstand medicines, acids and liquid cleaners is comparable to 
vitreous china. In regular enamel they are just as beautiful and durable as in 
0$tandarcf'A-R ) except they are not acid-resisting and are available only 
in white. Their lower cost makes them particularly suitable for bathrooms 
on a budget, for smaller homes, for second bathrooms in many homes or 
for the maid’s bath in larger dwellings. Since they are available in all 
Standard" colors (in Acid-Resisting enamel only) they place no obstacle 
in the way of colorful bathrooms even at low cost. 

On these lavatories — as on all '^tattda vd" Plumbing Fixtures — all exposed 
metal parts are non-tarnishing, easy-to-clean Chromard. 

Dimensions: Ledgewood, 1 9 x 17", 22 x 19"; Marco, 26 x 14"; Hexagon, 20 x 18", 22 x 19"; 
Daltonett, 24 x 18"; Cliff, 24 x 20", 27 x 22". 

practical is this bath- 
room with its Comrade 
Lavatory, of vitreous china 
with center set hot and cold 
water fitting, the efficient 
Compact Closet, and corner 
pattern roomy Master Pem- 
broke Bath in Ivoire de 
Medici. The gay color of 
the polka-dot wall cover- 
ing in the window recess 
is repeated in the floor lino- 
leum. Structural glass is 
used behind tub and lava- 
tory where splashing oc- 
curs. Curtains, towels, and 
dressing table of turquoise 
complete the scheme. The 
new Sunrad radiator com- 

I bining the best advan- 
tages of convected and 
radiant heat, is painted the 
same color as the fixtures. 
Th*' Sunrad is attractively 
simple in design and blends 
with any style of decora- 
tive treatment. 


OTHELLO— P 4207 R 

>tan Jar J' 

ANGLO— P 4955 RZ 

T here is no price on beauty. Even with lowest priced equipment, 
selected with discrimination and good taste, you can design a bathroom 
distinctively different. Color is your first and most economical means of 
obtaining individuality. While colored fixtures lend extra charm and 
distinction, white fixtures are always good with any color scheme. 

Stylists will be glad to help you with color schemes and com- 
binations for bathrooms in any budget range. 

Where storage space is limited, consider the use of cabinet models, such as 
the Hexagon on this page, and the Daltonett on second page preceding. 
These include roomy, convenient extra space for towels or medicines while 
providing a new and clever note in decoration. Piping, of course, is concealed 
by the cabinet, but is always readily accessible. 

Dimensions: Othello, 21 x 18*; Beverly, 19 x 17 ,21x18 ; Anglo, 16^ x 161/2 ,19x 
19"; Clyde, 24 x 20", 27 x 22"; Hexagon, P 3868 ST, 20 x 18", 22 x 19"; Hexagon, 

Cabinet No. 217 


T he newest Standard'' 
Color, Fawn, has been 
used for this warm, cheer- 
ful bathroom that embod- 
ies simplicity and dramatic 
effect. Wall board with 
baked on finish in dubon- 
net and pale blue provides 
a rich and colorful back- 
ground for the golden tones 
of Fawn fixtures and spar- 
kling Chromard fittings. 
Fixtures are the new Ledge- 
wood Lavatory of enamel 
on cast iron, the ever popu- 
lar Master Pembroke Bath 
now made with wide 

rim seat and the efficient 
Cadet Closet in its new at- 
tractive design. The Ledge- 
wood has a 4 l /z " shelf back, 
large bowl and pop-up 
drain. Sunbeam Heating 
and Winter Air Condition- 
ing keeps this room as 
pleasant as its appearance. 


T he one real advance in bathtub design 
in recent years is the Neo-Angle. Its many 
unusual bathing features due to its two integral 
seats in opposite corners, flatter bottom and 
roomier space, are shown on fourth page follow- 
ing. But consider for a moment the structural 
advantages of a bath only four feet square: 

It fits into wall lengths too short for the aver- 
age bath; saves space in the bath between two 
bedrooms; leaves room for closet or storage 
without reducing bathroom floor space; makes 
it possible in fact to plan smart, roomy bath- 
rooms in hitherto difficult places or bring new 
luxury to rooms of normal size. 

Dimensions: Neo-Angle, recess, 48 x 49 l / 2 ", Neo- Angle, corner, 4 9/ 2 x 49 i/ 2 "; 
Brighton, Royalton, corner or recess, 68 x 36". 



T he soft gleam of Or- 
chid of Vincennes fix- 
tures is framed by deep blue 
tile walls in the tub recess 
and behind the lavatory. 
The pale lemon yellow on 
other wall surfaces and 
linoleum floor of blue and 
yellow, harmonize with 
the modern feeling of glass 
brick windows and tub 

The fixtures are rich in 
quality though moderate 
in price. The Cadet Closet 
is dependable and modern 
in design, the Master Pem- 
broke Bath has transfer 
valve for diverting water to 
either bath or shower, the 
Hexagon Lavatory has con- 
venient towel rails. Sun- 
beam Air Conditioning as- 
sures an even temperature 
at all times. 


A distinct improvement over its famous predecessor is the new Master 
Pembroke with its 2" lower rim for greater ease in stepping in and 
out ... its flat wider bottom for added safety . . . its spacious bathing space, 
roomier than most . . . and now, in recess patterns, the convenient 5 % " wide 
rim seat. The new clean lines and squared corners of the Master Pembroke 
give added eye appeal to the famous Pembroke pattern. 

Also shown are a few of the many different types of Standard" Baths. 
Recessed or corner models, with and without showers . . . in various lengths 
and widths . . . there is one for every bathroom and every budget. 

Dimensions: Master Pembroke, corner or recess: length, 54", 60", 66"; width, 30 Y/ f . 
Recona: length, 54", 60", 66"; width, 29". Adaptor length, 5 5", 6l", 67", 73"; width, 
3 1 ". Essex on feet: length, 48", 72"; on feet or base, 54", 60", 66"; width, 30", 

T he corner Neo-Angle 
Bath with Neolyn 
Lavatory and Master One- 
Piece Closet in Ming Green 
furnish this bathroom with 
luxurious comfort. Walls 
of suntan structural glass, 
with the green of the fix- 
tures repeated in plaid 
washable wallcovering 
above the wainscot. Egg- 
plant linoleum with green 
inlay provides a practical 
floor. A wide mirror over 
the lavatory and conveni- 
ently placed dressing table 
are particularly appealing. 
The Arco Convector used 
here in a special Arco En- 
closure is ingeniously 
adapted to the construc- 
tion of the room. It is 
often the solution for an 
efficient, unobtrusive plac- 
ing of the heating unit in a 




Convenient Foot 


Just four feet square, yet the Neo-Angle bath incorporates bathing 
space the length of a conventional 5 l /z tub and six inches wider 
. . . and two integral corner seats that bring new joys, new com- 
forts, new conveniences to bathing. 

Ideal Shower Bath 



Safe Bathing 


This is the "<$tattdarcf 'Master One-Piece Closet which 
can’t be heard beyond the bathroom ... a silence 
you’ll appreciate — especially in a downstairs bathroom. 
Vitreous china tank and bowl are one compact unit, 
self-supporting and easy to clean. (Master One Piece 
F 2000A with elongated bowl shown here.) 

E very woman appreci- 
ates the time and step- 
saving values of the modern 
first floor powder room. Its 
importance demands that 
space be found. The fashion 
is to have it distinctively 
modern, its color scheme 
striking, rather bold than 
quiet. Richer and darker 
colors can, therefore, be 
used most advantageously. 
A T’ang Red Companion 
Lavatory, a truly dressing 
table type, and the attrac- 
tive One-Piece Closet, is 
used in a rich, satisfying 
color scheme. The slender 
Arco Radiator is decorated 
in blue. 

The soft deep wine color of 
T’ang Red must be seen to 
be appreciated. It is espe- 
cially beautiful when con- 
trasted here with the lemon 
yellow of the walls and 
blues in the floor. 



(- — 1 




£ ] 

A water closet has moving parts which must 
operate while totally immersed in water. This 
fact makes your choice of the closet a particularly 
important one. 

"Standard" Closets are noted for their superior 
design and sound mechanical construction. They 
are made of vitreous china completely non- 
absorbent, hygienic, easy to clean. 

Here are the leaders of a line which provide for all 
requirements and any budget: 

The One-Piece Closet is like the Master One-Piece 
on second preceding page, except that the bowl 
of the former is round instead of elongated. 
The Custom Madera and the Elongated Compact, 

while bowl and tank are bolted together, have the 
desirable smart one-piece appearange. The Cadet 
and Compton, also two-piece bolted combinations, 
provide "Standard" dependability at low cost. 

The Modernus is a syphon action washdown closet 
with jet. It meets fully the demand for strictest 

All "Standard" closets are furnished with famous 
Church Sani-Seats in the same color as the fixtures, 
with either plain or pearl finish. 

Dimensions: width overall and back to front: Master Onc- 
Piece, 22% x 28%”; One-Piece, 21% x 25 %”; Custom Ma- 
dera, 22% x 29 %”; Elongated Compact, 20% x 29 w ; Cadet, 
20%x26% w ; Compton, 20%x24%”; Modernus, 20%x26%”. 

MODERNUS — F 2186 

T he natural center 
of the kitchen is the 
sink — more so now than 
ever, with the new six foot 
long 'Standard" Hostess 
Sink, in Ming Green, with 
double sink compartment 
as shown. Notice how it 
utilizes every square inch of 
the space it occupies, how 
its commodious storage 
space makes it the working 
center of a kitchen de- 
signed to make work easy. 
The spacious effect of this 
kitchen is emphasized by 
the use of this largest sized 
Hostess Sink, plentiful kit- 
chen cabinets with linoleum 
counter tops rich in color, 
an effective window of glass 
brick against which are 
placed shelves for decora- 
tive accessories and a sim- 
ple linoleum floor pattern 
repeating the brilliant col- 
ors used throughout the 






— , mSI ^ ^ 

| | 

1 \\ 

; ift - 

I ur - IgA 1 

W hat his desk is to the modern business executive, the 
'SftatldardT Hostess Sink is to the modern house- 
wife. Here is a unit planned for labor saving. Its back 
ledge for glasses ... its 8 inch deep sink compartments 
. . . its crumb cup strainer with metal stopper ... its 
convenient swinging spout faucet and spray hose ... its 
roomy storage space below . . . these things help to make 
work fly. 

Four different models provide the advantages of the Hostess 
in varying degree. But each of them brings to the kitchen 
new working advantages, as well as new beauty. 

Dimensions of Hostess Sinks: p 6585, 72 x 2 5"; P 6535, 
60 x 25"; P 6575, 42 x 25"; P 655 0 and P 6552 with sink 
compartment on left, 42 x 25". 



HOSTESS— P 6575, Cabinet No. 410 

HOSTESS — P 6550, Cabinet No. 411 

T o the Utility Hostess 
Sink must go a gener- 
ous share of the credit for 
the charm, beauty and dis- 
tinction of this work- 
saving kitchen. Note how 
the two wide drainboards 
connect smoothly and 
snugly with the counter 
top, thus providing an un- 
interrupted working sur- 
face from sink well to ex- 
treme ends of counter top. 
All cabinets are furnished 
in steel, in white, green or 
ivory or with prime coat 
for special painting on the 

This compact kitchen is 
simple in color and prac- 
tical in plan. The neutral 
gray of the mottled floor 
linoleum with its inlaid 
accents of blue and coral 
and the blue linoleum 
counter tops and peach 
walls frame the gleaming 
white sink and cabinets. 

Fifty -six 

Arrow poi 
unique design making 
practical the various 
types of installation. 
Sink makes pleasmg, 
economical wall hung 

iseu — - 

i the counter top 
h rim of sink, l ne 
on strip extends to 

ii — A ic flush with 



meet every installation problem perfectly 

r | ’hanks to their unique design, "Standard" Utility 
Hostess Sinks eliminate all barriers in planning a 
kitchen to suit your special requirements — no matter 
what they are ! 

They feature flexibility of installation hitherto un- 
approached to allow you full latitude in designing the 
kitchen of your dreams. For example: 

1. They are easily and perfectly combined with counter 
tops and built-in cabinets of all types, and assure snug, 
tight-fit as shown in four drawings on opposite page. 

2. They can be hung on wall, providing a smart, modern 
note for this type of installation, with later addition of 

cabinet if desired. 3. They are available as complete 
cabinet sink combinations with various types of smartly 
styled, sanitary steel cabinets. 

"<$\aiidard" Utility Hostess Sinks are 22 " wide and are 
available in white and 1 1 beautiful colors. 

In addition they possess all the popular features that 
have made Hostess Sinks preferred by women every- 
where — 8 deep sink wells, handy spray hose and con- 
venient swinging spout to mention just a few. 

Dimensions of Utility Hostess Sinks: 'P6835, 4 /i and 
5 # x 22"; P6875, } l / 2 ' x 22"; P6852 and P6850 with 
sink compartment on right, 3^x22", 4' x 22". 

'The beauty and easy cleaning of 
one continuous piece of linoleum, 
jointless and gently rounding from 
counter top and up the wall, is now 
possible with the Utility Hostess Sinks. 


Cabinet No. 332 

Cabinet No. 320 

Cabinet No. 350 

— i — 



m m 


\ ■ 

i ' 


N O ENERGY will be 
wasted by the woman 
who prepares meals in 
this step-saving kitchen. 
Center of interest is the 
"Standard" double com- 
partment flat rim Custom- 
Line Sink, set in a gleaming 
linoleum counter top of 
woodland green. 

Other green notes appear in 
the breakfast nook curtain 
and on the smart linoleum 
floor. Bright coral uphol- 
stery and sparkling glass 
brick screening kitchen 
from breakfast table, are 
cheery notes in this mod- 
ern, convenient room. 
Here, too, is straight line 
efficiency, custom built 
around a "Standard" Cus- 
tom-Line Sink made for 
this purpose. It has two 
sink compartments and 
convenient back ledge. Its 
swinging spout faucet is 
similar to that on the 
Hostess Sinks. 









H udson and Warren sinks and cabinets, 
while they include the storage space 
facilities of the Hostess; are made for use 
where the separate unit arrangement is de- 
sirable, or where space is not convenient 
for the built-in type. Dimensions: Hudson, 
60 x 22"; Warren, 42 x 20", 52 x 20". 

The Norton is made for steel or wood cabinet 
installation. It has 8" deep sink compart- 
ment. Dimensions: 60 x 25”, 72 x 25”. 
The Custom-Line is a flat rim sink for cus- 
tom built kitchens. Fittings are similar to 
those of the Hostess. Single compartment, 
24 x 21”, 30 x 21”. Double compartment 
also available, 32x21”, 42 x 21”. 

The Brentwood is the famous "Three- 
eights” sink. Height of back, depth of sink 
and apron each measure 8 inches. Two 
nominal lengths, 60” and 74”, each 22" 

The Bedford is a single drainboard apron 
type sink, available with sink compartment 
on right or left. 20” from front to back, it 
is available in two lengths: 42” and 52”. 
Inset shows the 'Standard" Double Strainer, 
B 989, which makes a dish pan unnecessary. 
The cup compartment catches all food par- 
ticles, grease and residue. It is easily lifted 
out and cleaned. 

Standard" Sinks come in regular or 
Acid-Resisting Enamel. The latter is highly 
recommended for its ability to withstand the 
corrosive effect of fruit juices and other 
food acids and chemicals used in the kitchen. 
In addition to white, there are 1 1 'Standard" 
colors. Colored sinks, however, are made 
only in Acid-Resisting Enamel. Cabinets 
have durable baked gloss finish in white, 
green or ivory, with black base. 


N o longer is the kitchen a cheerless, tiring room to work in. Modern 
step-saving arrangements . . . sinks and cabinets that keep everything 
within arm's reach . . . bright colors and gay accessories . . . make today’s 
kitchen a bright and cheerful room where household work flows smoothly, 

Among its many contributions toward making housework easier, 
offers the Electric Dishwasher and Sink, shown at the left. With streams of 
hot, cleansing water forcefully sprayed on every surface, it automatically 
washes even the greasiest dishes. It measures 46 x 25 J and is available also 
without the cabinet. 

\ Good Housekeeping j 
Veu Institute 

The Monarch combination sink and laundry tray 
is shown here in three different models. Each of 
them comes in two sizes: 42 x 2 5" and 50 x 25". 
The Montrose is a two-section laundry tray 
measuring 48 54" x 22 %" overall. 

'5$teKdai.d"FITTINGS TO 

F or harmony of design and endur- 
ing quality insist that the fittings 
on your plumbing fixtures be marked 
"Standard". These fine brass goods — 
all tarnish-proof Chromard Finish — are 
styled to match Standard" Fixtures. 
They possess the same high quality of 
workmanship and material and are 
sturdy and mechanically correct in con- 

Four distinct styles are illustrated here. 
Each motif is carried through a com- 
plete line of fittings for bath, shower, 
lavatory and closet, so that unity of 
design is achieved in these important 
details as well as in the fixtures them- 
selves. The many bathroom illustrations 
throughout this book show how well the 
various styles of fittings blend with dif- 
ferent styles of fixtures. 

Special crystal lever handles and crys- 
tal knobs may be substituted on Neo- 
Angle, Waldorf and Colonial trim. 


* 1 
■:±. -ji 




THESE '£ta»dai-d" COLORS 


C olor, used correctly, is by far the 
most pleasant and economical 
means of creating individuality in bath- 
room or kitchen. The eleven colors, 
other rhan white, in which "Standard” 
Plumbing Fixtures are available, offer 
many possibilities. 

Here is a palette of clear, glowing colors 
. . . each selected by artists of interna- 
tional repute, not for its vibrant beauty 
alone, but as a key color which opens 
the way to many superbly blended color 

The wide range of "Standard" colors 
from the delicate pastels of Corallin and 
Clair de Lune Blue to the rich jewel 
tones of T’ang Red and Royal Copen- 
hagen Blue may be adapted to any taste. 
With them you can create, according to 
your own preference, bathrooms and 
kitchens that are simple or luxurious, 

Sixty -two 

handsome pastels or dramatic splashes 
of gay color. 

Investigate the types of wall and floor 
material. Here again is great variety 
ranging from wallboard with its color- 
ful baked finish to the subtle elegance 
of imported marble. Towels, bathmats, 
and curtains are made today in a wealth 
of hues and patterns. With so many 
colors to choose from, it is unwise and 
unnecessary to try to match fixtures and 
walls. Select colors and textures which 
set off your fixtures, and you will find 
that the beauty of walls and floors will 
also show to better advantage. 

These are your tools. From them you 
can fashion practical bathrooms and 
kitchens of which you may well be 
proud. Remember that "Standard" 
Stylists are always ready to aid you 
without cost or obligation. 




I' ven the finest color reproduction cannot do justice to 
' the subtle and exquisite hues of 'Standard" Plumb- 
ing Fixtures. But here they are ... as close as printer’s 

( ink and paper can come to the living sparkle of fine enamel 
and pottery. Color, especially in the highly reflective sur- 
faces of plumbing fixtures, takes on something of the color 



of its background. Color also changes with the light, so 
that these variations have been thoroughly considered when 
assembling the "Standard" palette. To fully appreciate 
their depth of tone and gleaming surface, you must see the 
fixtures themselves. In addition to the superb colors listed 
above, white and black are also available. 

Sixty -three 



W hen you buy a new car . . . when you buy a new 
home . . . you pay for it out of income. On every 
large purchase today, convenient payments are taken as 
a matter of course. And more and more American families 
each year assure the comfort and 
health and livability of their 
homes by making the important 
installations of new bathroom, 
new kitchen, new heating and 
air conditioning the same sensible 

Our Heating and Plumbing Fi- 
nance Corporation enables you to 
modernize your home now with 
American Heating Equipment 
and 'Standard" Plumbing Fix- 
tures and take as long as three 
years to pay. No down payment 
is required, and payments may be as little as $5 a month. 
There are no complications, no red tape. Your Heating 
and Plumbing Contractor handles all details for you. Ask 
him today to show you how really easy it is. 


Sixty -four 


W hile this booklet, and the catalogues which your 
Heating and Plumbing Contractor has, can help you 
to select equipment for heating, air conditioning and 
plumbing, we invite you to see the actual equipment itself 
in any of our showrooms or the showrooms of our whole- 
sale distributors before making your final choice. 

There you may actually see what here you can only read 
about. There, too, is expert advice on your problems . . . 
expert specification for your needs . . . expert help in the 


planning of heating, air conditioning and plumbing for 
your home and your budget. 

Your Heating and Plumbing Contractor may also have a 
showroom. If he does not display the desired equipment 
he will be glad to accompany you to a showroom, and 
give you the benefit of his experience not only in the 
selection of equipment for greatest beauty and utility, but 
in its installation for the protection of your health and 


A merican 


2 Standard 




* Indicates a Showroom , other addresses 
are Sales Offices and Branches where 
helpful information and addresses of 
Wholesale Dealers 9 Showrooms can be 

* Akron, Ohio 

* Altoona, Pa. 
Atlanta, Ga. 
Baltimore, Md. 

* Birmingham, Ala. 

* Boston, Mass. 
Buffalo, N. Y. 

* Canton, Ohio 

* Chicago, 111. 
Cincinnati, Ohio 

* Cleveland, Ohio 

* Columbus, Ohio 

* Dallas, Texas 

* Denver, Colo. 

* Detroit, Mich. 

East St. Louis, 111. 

*E1 Paso, Texas 
*Erie, Pa. 

* Evansville, Ind. 

* Fargo, N. Dak. 

♦Fort Wayne, Ind. 

Grand Rapids, Mich. 

* Houston, Texas 

* Huntington, W. Va. 

♦Kansas City, Mo. 
♦Knoxville, Tenn. 

♦Long Island City, N. Y. 
♦Los Angeles, Calif. 
♦Louisville, Ky. 
♦Mansfield, Ohio 
♦Memphis, Tenn. 

Miami, Florida 
Milwaukee, Wis. 
♦Minneapolis, Minn. 
♦Nashville, Tenn. 
♦Newark, N. J. 

♦New Orleans, La. 

♦New York, N. Y. 
♦Oakland, Calif. 
♦Peoria, 111. 
Philadelphia, Pa. 
♦Phoenix, Ariz. 
♦Pittsburgh, Pa. 
Pordand, Oregon 
Providence, R. I. 
Richmond, Va. 
♦Rock Island, 111. 
♦St. Paul, Minn. 
♦St. Louis, Mo. 
Sacramento, Calif. 

♦San Antonio, Texas 
♦San Francisco, Calif. 
♦Seatde, Wash. 
♦Shreveport, La. 
♦Sioux Falls, S. D. 
South Bend, Ind. 
Springfield, Mass. 
Springfield, Ohio 
♦Toledo, Ohio 
♦Tucson, Ariz. 
♦Washington, D. C. 
♦Wheeling, W. Va. 
♦Youngstown, Ohio 



Y our hand flicks a switch and 
you change a cold, unlivable 
house into a haven of frrendly, 
health-giving warmth and comfort. 

Your hand turns a faucet and you 
have at your service an inexhaustible 
flow of pure, fresh water either cold 
or piping hot. 

Your hands can perform this magic 
in your home because of other hands 
— the skilled hands of the Heating 
and Plumbing Contractor. His 
hands are backed by the years of 
training, study and experience nec- 
essary to assure you care-free heating 
comfort and health-protecting 
plumbing service. 

Together, heating and plumbing 

work hand-in-hand — to make new 
or old homes more enjoyable — to 
provide them with the comfort, 
cleanliness and protection that have 
made American homes the envy of 
the rest of the world. 

Both heating and plumbing mean 
too much to the welfare of your 
family, to the uninterrupted enjoy- 
ment of your home and to the actual 
value of your property to be en- 
trusted to any but the trained 
hands of the Heating and Plumbing 
Contractor. Long years of experi- 
ence have proved that your best in- 
terests are served when you consult 
your Heating and Plumbing Con- 
tractor first on any heating, air con- 
ditioning or plumbing problem.